Cake Cup

First Day School


Hi dear reader =) Today 2/1/2013 is the first school day of 2013 ~

Well, now I'm off to secondary school. Lol, as a form 1 student ! 

Last year I have being a senior but now I have to be a junior. This is really so sad.

For me, my new school or as known as "Secondary School" is not too bored. But my secondary school is a little bit weird. Lol ~ What the weird thing ? The weird thing is, I met a new nation. Lol, I never school which is have another nation except Indian and Malay.

But now, we joined it. So, now "Secondary School" have Malay, Indian and Chinese nation. There were too many students at the school that I never meet ! So, That's why I felt a little bit inconvenient at the school just now.

So, what's more ? I really don't know what I need to tell you all on this post. Okay, so how about your first day ?..

I really, really, really don't want to talk more about my "Secondary School" ~

Well, I'm very, very boredddd to write a long entry. Okay, until here. Thank you for reading this entry ! 

Wait for another entry !! Bye ~ 

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